The Competition Authority has completed its investigation into Google Advertising and Marketing Ltd. Co., Google International LLC, Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited, and Alphabet Inc., which constitute an economic entity (Google), regarding competition violations. The company was fined 2.6 billion TL for violating Article 6 of the Competition Law.
In a statement from the Authority, it was noted that the company holds a dominant position in the demand-side platform (DSP) services market. It was stated that “no violation was detected under Article 6 of the Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition regarding the claim that it forwarded inventory purchase requests from its own DSPs to its supply-side platform (SSP) services based on its dominance in the DSP services market; therefore, there was no need to impose an administrative fine for this type of violation.”
On the other hand, Google was fined 2 billion 607 million 563 thousand 963 TL for providing unfair advantages to its own supply-side platform services based on its dominance in the advertising publisher services market.
The company was given a period of 6 months to ensure effective competition conditions, and it was ruled that if these conditions are not met, a daily administrative fine will be applied.