It was claimed that the restoration of the castle gate in the ancient city of Anavarza was not done in its original form


It is claimed that the western gate of the castle within the Anavarza Ancient City, located within the borders of Kozan district in Adana and Kadirli district in Osmaniye, was restored without adhering to its original form.

Anavarza Ancient City, often referred to as the “Ephesus of Çukurova,” has a history that dates back to 5000 BC. The ancient city, surrounded by walls and covering an area of approximately 1300 hectares, is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List.

Photo: Culture portal

Anavarza, its most prosperous period beginning in the 2nd century AD with the recognition of Roman Emperor Septimius Severus, has hosted various civilizations, including the Byzantines, Armenians, Seljuks, and Ottomans.

Photo: IHA

Historian and author Cezmi Yurtsever stated that the restoration of the western gate of the castle within the ancient city of Anavarza, one of the most important ancient sites in the Çukurova region, was not carried out in accordance with its original form. Yurtsever emphasized that the structure resulting from the restoration bears no resemblance to the original, asserting that it has damaged the historical fabric of the site.


Historian and author Cezmi Yurtsever stated in an interview with IHA that “A restoration was recently carried out on the western gate of Anavarza, resulting in such a structure. When looking at this restoration, it appears that a temple model from Mesopotamia has been applied. However, this is a castle gate that was built during the Byzantine period. In 1905, archaeologist Gertrude Bell took a photograph of the gate. There is no resemblance between the original appearance of this castle gate and the image that emerged from the restoration carried out in 2024. This is an archaeological disgrace. The historical fabric has been interfered with here. I call on the Adana Governorship and the Ministry of Culture to take action.”

Cover Photo: IHA

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